前日のThAnk YoU  top back    





by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*It is postmortem of Brian Epstein of the manager who has supported them after Devu, the U.S. board specification that adds the single to the one released as EP is general though it is proposed by Paul that it hold out by own power, and it was broadcast as a British TV movie in Cintra and Britain as the album. Moo Beatles melody heaven. It is inside, John kill without fail crossing counter, it is George, and it will be, and is one eight Paul (and of beginning listening that is bright of the Mr. apple parentheses snare and workman Epstein scissors) of six. It is ー in latter term of me ..the favor... It is this and the movie is love at that time though it is one translation reputation this and it is. It is a resident in the country that gave birth to Monty Python though it is made to do. No charm of Beatles either. scorch it with a preeminent humourA favorite scene is a striptease hut scene of the John of the scene and the Bonzodogg appearance that John does repeatedly while Nitanitaing it the spaghetti with the shovel Nitanita. Only as for some NitanitashenIt is "False start. " though is only a wonderful tune as any cannot be most very mentioned in albums. Is it an Inn strike of his one?It likes and though the reason doesn't have the saying way. ..making it ..feeling because of "Baby Yua rich man" To.. go... Paul and "Yoa mother Shud no". Ah, and this Paul goes to where and is .. Are you angry if how it says?John's "Strawberry?" already : when curving. After it sees, "Homo bar" is ..listening.. embarrassed .... for a moment because of the mishearing hour. The scene of "Sauti of me" of not gotten was also wonderful. Love..all..example..transmission via satellite..film..impression..provide..rough..enter..pretend not to know..kite..listen..say..often..probably..such..confused..tune..make..massage.Moreover, ..beauty... It is the highest pop album that showed wonderful of the fusion of Beatles in the whole country very much before dismantling the praise rolling up.


marbeat> ここ最近、土曜日にビートルズを聴くたび(笑)改めてそのバカでかさに絶句してます。冷静になるほど、浮かぶのはギャグみたいな言葉で・・何を書いていいやら。「ハロー・グッバイ」は去年のポールのライヴで聴いた時、胸キュンな感じがしました。「ウォルラス」に「リッチマン」魔法がいまだに解けないです・・。ぐぐ〜ぐ、じゅーぶ☆ [08/10 02:21]
鯉之助> 「苺畑よ永遠に」「わしゃあセイウチ」「愛こそはすべて」みたいな妙ちきりんな曲と肩を並べられる変態ビッグヒットは砂浜少年団「良い振動」ぐらいのもん。(つーか、こっちのほうが早かったのがBB5ファンとしてはうれしかったりする・・) 天才達の活躍した時代に生まれてホント良かったです。余談ですが「マジカル・ミステリー・ツアー」はシカゴが3度目の来日ステージでトップに持ってきた曲。今から30年と4か月前のお話です。 [08/09 22:14]
へヴィ> 実はこの頃からじょんたまくらいまでのジョンが一番好きだったりします(^^ゞ。苺畑やおいらはセイウチがたまらないナンバーなんです。ポールのこの頃は実に甘いですねえ。 [08/09 17:50]
七院知> ピピーピピー♪というリコーダーの音がメチャサイケに響いていて、初め聴いた時は怖かった「丘の上の馬鹿」が良いのう。「飛行」のマッタリさ、「ママは知ってるはず」のポール節も◎ [08/09 14:25]