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by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*The god of John and a motivation creation of the desire that vomits height and is refreshingly clear having completely gotten off, too and having produced it in only nine days in June of 71 years are this album "Imagine. " in it as for the haze haze that exists in the first solo work John stomach. Even it is already an album that even puts and is instinctively dragged in and listens and enters not having a mind listening though it is an aspect that only the title tune walks by oneself. The appearance in which it enjoys that it is enclosed by the member of the Apple connection to be able to know the temper, it relaxes, the humour revives, too and there is room : hard. The happiness is divided enough into here. Imagine. If it doesn't worry to be used with extra, it is a famous piece of music too Picapicaed from the introduction to the last minute. I think that lyrics are good in it if it listens as it is and Imagine of everybody is done. Crippl inside. Will you associate Acros Za Universe by the introduction?。Be not glad for the appearance that the example dances while grinning laughing grinning to float on eyes. Jeras Gai. It doesn't limit it to this tune, and splendid Merodimacar and John Lennon revival in this board. It comes as ..killer as it is possible to come.. Kyoc goes out, and I am really glad and it entrusts it. The mind. It is incommunicative and strings are the highest. ..the tasty flavor Vaib... Itts Sor hardware. It relaxes too this time and it is easy Shige the tune of a literally hard feeling of a vivid former work. The saxophone is master king Curtis of the leader of the R&B field. Blowing out blowing out. It will die soon after this ..not doing Curtis... Blowing out blowing out. I do not want to become a soldier. It is a song repeatedly of the forte title. It is so. It is done that it doesn't want to become it. You are full this tune at the people or will only have to dispirited with disregard it as soon as it thinks. unexpectedB respect. I want the truth. Beatles. After all, it is glad. This how to sing. George's open eye slide is greatly taken an active part. Other tunes are effective in this board. Or my love. Shameful lyrics. ..there is no other way... It is to one's heart's content in the people. Are not you associating because the melody is good?Hau Du Yu sleep. 。It is terrible insinuation note to Paul or an abuse song. Moreover, only the desire is a John paragraph in the sound. Was it ..Paul.. ox-eyed and how was always made of fun of sleep at night?..may being to be said.. has been said from the stopping surroundings. Here : the pull honestly ..too John it ..feelings and..... Hau?。Length and Waindinrord is recalled by this because it continues. Sleep food John who does. Foster recalls Sabi. ..Randi Newman.. ..filling... It is a loved tune. Or Yoko. It is this, terrible Noroke song note or that doesn't depend too much. To Yoko ..whether permitted.. if you do not put this at the end. It is not or is true associating in the Orldotaime tune. It is an embarrassed person. Being able to enjoy the amount played at is Mr. John's music .. Imagine of this ..holding once John a year.. is OK once every week. Yes.

