前日のThAnk YoU rocks  top back    



by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*It is a Stones album encountered for the first time. Ah, and even if the young music show of NHK is seen, are child of 14 at that time the air called a make-up satan in the other side of the fog and Juri though liked very much by Angie?However, only the impression called S coming :. It listens to single "Itts Onrii" of and the matter and it has already been done. Ah the relief of S coming. It is already serious in the following "Entu Prau Tu Begg". It is already Meromero in the charm that rises in chaotic. It is the last album, of Taylor Stones, and it is in lyrical & the tightened rush power. . that is work where the following extension is splendidly suggested when listening nowThere is no food throwing away tune. The row also splendidly :. Be Billy, the tooth omission, and Preston must effective and effective of the piano with be gripped by opening by "Eintu?". The note solo that is not ー either already :. "Itts Onrii". Manifest that becomes it in violent. Title that captures essence of pop. It is of ..favorite.. lock . though is such a thing wisdom. It does because it doesn't become great. These two drawing close choruses are wonderful to eat Micc. The piano works to this by the key. The piano of three people is beautiful in the peculiar characteristic maximum demonstrating in note or whole. Let's praise funky of Billy and Ian's Lauryn and praise Nikky's elegance. It sheds tears by Mr. Taylor of beauty "No one waits at time" of the having end, and forced Rege in new departure "Luxury" that went out. Rege of Stones is a guy enough Caribbean flavor before the root. "My friend" of blue felt-tipped marker participation of "Ane of can dance" of aesthetics of tie tune and in season. Good tune and too beautiful piano. Nine for Stuart. And, funk appearance "Fingerprint file. "Stones does the age and the synchronized always splendidly, takes the most delicious air, and is who is a too lovely satan.


マスター> 私としてはこの頃ストーンズは世間の顰蹙買い捲りロックの楽しさ取り戻そうのグラムだったと思っております。プログレは講釈を楽しむとこもありますけど、音楽より講釈が先に来ちゃうとやっぱ???ですよねえ。
name : OPEN−G
comment : 体内時計で時間をカウントするとき私はTIME WAIT'S FOR NO ONEを心で刻みます。この頃のAEROSMITHも好きなんですがSICK AS A DOGという曲のリフがIT'S ONLY…の間奏部分と似ていて好きです。プログレだのグラムだの講釈が多くなっていた頃、「たかがロックンロールだ、理屈なんかいらない!」というメッセージに惚れました。
how : search engine

sand> もー、Fingerprint Fileが良いー。今にして思えば、このエコー感は、カーティスゆずりかなー。ストンーズは、A面2曲目に魔力あり。このアルバムは、Temptationsの猥雑なカバーAin't Too Proud to Begで即死。 [07/28 02:54]
七院知> 昨日は時間無くて書けませんでした。無念・・・このアルバムなら全部好きだけど、ラグジャリーと”次にサヨナラを言う時まで”が意外に好き。役者やの〜、J&R [07/27 19:20]
へヴィ> このアルバムは追っかけです。タイトル曲はストーンズが発言して意味のある言葉ですよね。といいながらメールの署名にしっかりと記しているへヴィですが(^^ゞ。「Ain't Too Proud To Beg」「Fingerprint File」のカッコよさあり「Time Waits Fo No One」と「If You Really Want To Be My Friend」のやるせなさあり、この頃のJagger=Richardsは別の領域に行っちゃってたのかもしれません。はい、捨て曲は皆無です。 [07/27 13:18]

