*わ、久し振りのキンクリ。ちゅうてもアーズバウンドとか21世紀地獄責めとかはしょっちゅう聴いてますが。新しいやつです。ヌーボー・メタルとゆうことで、ぬーぼーを思い出してしまい[(^o^)]、ぼーっとしてるかなと思ったらかなり楽しめました。世にプログレと呼ばれるジャンルの中でも一際メジャーなキンクリさん、その理由はあれだ難しい顔をして作ってるようで実はお客さんのことをいつも気にして味に反映している老舗行列ラーメン店みたいだからでは無いかと。密かにアンケート取ってたりして。ははは。一時やべえなあ時代に取り残されるなあと店構えも味もがらりと変えたもののそれでも努力は惜しまず今回はそろそろいいかなあとまたまた改装、改装するぞうとの宣伝も怠り無くまたヘヴィな味でご提供です。昔と同じ素材は今は望むべくものでも無いし大体でけんので新素材でまあ次から次へとニコニコしながら聴ける仕掛けがいっぱい。あざといなあとか思ったりしながらも欲しいものがどんどん出て来ちゃうので嬉しくってしょうがないっす。その大向こうのハッタリを楽しむのがキンクリだからその点じゃもう100点満点だ。参加メンバーもわキンクリだキンクリだと楽しんでどかーんとやっております。これでいいのだ。新しい仕掛けをやろうやろうと日々たくらんでいるうちはフリップさん大丈夫すね。ベテランが陥りやすい消耗感がある何か疲れてるなあみたいな感触も皆無。親父ますます元気でこれからもいつもの小言聴かせてください。うるせえなあと思いながら喜んで食べさせていただきます。 (マスター)2003.12.19 |
by Yama BY AUTO TRANSLATION SORRY,Mistranslation multi. *Kincri to which , is after a long time. boilingThough it very often listens to the hell blame in note Arzbaund or the 21st century. It is a new guy. It pulled out ..the nouveau metal and.. and it was able to enjoy ー considerably when thinking. It : in the world, and particularly major Kincri and the reason do Cata Cao, make, and : to the taste with Mu .... squid like the shop of old standing procession ramen shop that reflects it in the genre that is called Progress worrying to tell the truth ..guest.. always. It questions, it takes close, and it is worth. . It doesn't regret it, and the advertisement of redecorating is neither negligence, is not nor Hevi, and an offer with Age this time in one o'clock and the age. redecorate again when it is good slowly make an effort even so though it entirely changed ..the shop posture ..leaving.. and the taste..To hope now, even the one is not and is : to old times and the same material fully by beginning that can be listened while probably smiling one after another with the new material in not disregarding it by rough. It is because it comes as the one wanting it goes out fast though it thinks of ..unbearably glad... Because it is Kincri to enjoy bluff in the large other side, it is 100-another point full marks in the respect. It enjoys when the participation member is ..boiling.. Kincri ..Kincri it.. and it does. It is good in this. It is Mr. flip safe while plotting to do every day at the time of do a new beginning. Tiredness feeling is something none at all with the consumption feeling into which the old-timer falls easily. Hereafter, can lend father always in scolding Ki more and more energetically. I will eat with pleasure while trowing as. |