前日のThAnk YoU rocks  top   back




by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*1st album that obtains the place with time and the person by the party who has done the Mr. sitting hardship through backing and 60's of the rockabilly band, Hawks, and Bob Dylan and reaches it at last at last is this Big pink. Music of making it not a bit feeling of fresh. So that it listens and mind is washed. One by one..sound..old-fashioned..already..this..fermentation..ripen..the..shine..future..eternal..lose..new..fresh.It listens hundreds of times and even here becomes deep in it. ..making such music in one's twenties somewhat... It is completely a single word of the marvel. ..this album.. to tell the truth, if it is possible already to listen to this by conspicuous in the history of the Za band. When Richard Manuel's color is the thickest. Vorcal formation where the one only of white was acquired while yearning for black. It shall be because the United States can do in Utsm by the Canada putdice. The music is the one that Beatles has already held hope and the yearning as for the music that Beatles did when a musician all over the world also has the road at 60's end that was the highest. Especially, power to give to a British musician of the same putdice cannot be measured, know, become a fat trunk, and grow up in stoutness for American music. When this album doesn't exist when this band doesn't exist, the western-style music surely thinks. When the first listening though it is likely to think of music ..very ..father.. sober... The impact will come for three years in killing. The loss of the town where the replacing doesn't exist and meeting are here the remainder of this album ..no.. arranging.. of the shine at that time though it is old. ..the happy one the music fan...


鯉之助> オールタイムで好きなグループ5指に入るザ・バンド。歌うドラマーと言えば、ドン・ヘンリー以前にリヴォン・ヘルムじゃけえのう。マスターさん、“衝撃は3年殺しでやってくる”とは、けだし名言。実は私もそれくらいかかりました。 [08/21 00:06]