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by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*In the height. ..happy... Rock'n'roll circus. ..going out of the video and CD.. though taken a picture for the TV special show in December of 69 years. passed since it became it with the okra of the mystery afterwards 96 yearsThe video is an abolition board now. I do not have the memory once already certainly in image Mi phlegm. Lennon's most squalid appearance : to the impression. The sound is entirely patronized since then. First of all, the sound will be good. It goes out before cancer cancer. In the age in the effector jar jar without as today, the sound that the yell in the age from which the sound was not emitted ahead enters is full loading to electricity if not staminal. Appearance is Jethro Tull first. There is no relation at all even though old times if that person's song has entered completely by Tal. The blues, it is Tal music. It is The Who when continuing. The Nipponia nippon drum is skilled though this is good the sound, straightened once, and untied, too. ..sprightliness and taking... The following are Tage Maharl. Blues Brother. Become familiar with S and in that Atlantic beat. Because it is a fan no matter what it hangs it, it is glad. ..Pirompararin.. guitar of the Jeshi Davis of the guitar. Marinanne Faithfull appearance that was not scary still. This slide is Rai Cudar . . . . And, dirty Mac of the band name that cannot be indescribably said. It is John Lennon in the Mr. Eric Clapton guitar and the drum of ..Keith.. base to say nothing of Mitch Mitchell and the boss. The Yar blues of the white album. ..too the song it... A tidy song in the latter half gives it as soon as ..crowding when turning off.. ..... Base of Keith. It greatly takes an active part by gay movement who seems to be the guitarist. It is to the firm expectation in the following tune with Yoko S cream ..the answer... It is Stones to say nothing of Tori. Jean pin Jack flash first of all. Znzn advancement beat that symbolizes Stones in new age. The waist will sit on the parachute woman. The bottom of Wyman's base is effective. The last shine and Brian Jones's slide guitars sound transiently in no Ecspectashonz. The unhappiness at the arrowhead that became can active with great pains musical completely has only neither unhappiness nor the saying way. The elegance piano of Mr. Nikkii of the support is a wonderful thing again. It becomes completely heartless in the world of heartlessness and the Pacapompacapon Fallen. It is mephitis strong though the pitied satan is poor. Conga and. This tune. About 950,000 people were expected to be a beating and mimic all over the world about the conga while listening to this. It falls and it mimics it. Last is a salt of the karaoke use ground and a finale. Tune really suitable for finale. Along though the condition of Micc's song is bad and the story with the okra or seeming occasionally certainly the voice painful is all players' certainly ambitions more than it. Though it thinks impossible Ments and music to be to be already keep a shine through all eternity only at this time. The image version is revived early and it falls behind showing it. ..welcoming the New Year with the salt of ground... broadcast the TV bureau by about one game somewhere on the New Year's Eve


マスター> そうなんですか。見たいなあ。マラカス...。やっぱ悲しいす。 [12/29 08:02]
sakewakame> 映像版ですが、今秋に出た「悪魔を憐れむ歌」のリミックスCDに、この曲やった時の映像が入ってるようです。でも映像もいじってあるので少しだけですが。ブライアンのマラカス姿は結構悲しいー。 [12/28 12:26]
マスター> 本日は楽しさ満点ロックンロールサーカス。モノであれ何であれ迫力万歳です。 [12/28 09:40]

