前日のThAnk YoU rocks  home back    




by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*Sca blowout to which genre has been established having it in thickness of present blowout and the same title. It is this Speshalz to have produced the commotion. It is 77 years to have formed the antecedent and the Ortomaticcs band. It was a pub band of still an indescribably calm sound recently. After the turning point's having visited does the opening performance of the crash for 78 years. After the manager of the crash likes and their management also receives the undertaking advice. In addition, ability was able to level the ground by daring the training camp about the hell that lasted as many as four months. The band in the hell too ..however.. : to leaving under Boroboro and the manager and the withdrawal to British central part Coventry in the country. Monochrome Ichimatsu works over one's plan 2TONE, "Gag Stars" of the debut single is put out, this is hit, Elvis Costello likes, it asks for produce with, and having put it out is this album. leader's Mr. Jerry Damarz thenIt is a street where it knows externals afterwards of all Cocoroyoshingeki. At that time, the impact already it. The power of calm original Sca and the blowout is united wonderfully, and of can the dance Uta getting .. It is attention ..terrible.. in Sca. Drums are eight beats still though it is ..only two reggae.. music of the antecedent. Music . suitable to match it to blowoutLove to music in addition to the member also of Rico Rodriguez who has minutely experienced the history of the Rege field that is not the rat of of the punch. It is because of a very happy by pop sound. Well, the tone quality of former LP that is the volume of the CD and Yokosuka underground club go-go though it is a Lima star translation is somewhat straight in 2002. It deflects considerably, the eagle is massaged ..the favor.., and a little lonely nature also : at that time though the origin of the criticism to Costello there. It is ..this sound.. ..goodness.. if probably leaving it however. That obtains LP with the sound and in the age. And, 2 and the image enter the extra. Foolish commotion will be able to be seen after the presence "It is quite too young" ..one.. ..mouth snarfing.. live. It encounters and the version of the , tune is added to the sound of CD.


マスター> ええバンドでっせースペシャルズ。もーどんどん行っちゃっておくんなましー。
name : satoko
comment : このアルバムと関係ないかも知れませんが、ちょっと前にNHKのラジオで偶然ghost townを聴き、specialsにハマってしまいました。ジャマイカっぽい曲調と、ユルい歌声が大好きです。
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