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by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*It is 1st of an eternal guitar cook and Rai Cudar. It appeared about United States LA at that time when a stormy eyes of psychedelic passed away with water had come out from the well where the Burbank sound music that made the small and weak label and the Warner brothers records of the Cintra specialty base ground dried suddenly. The dream aimed there by production head Rennie Wallon car of belonging, lusterware Ito Le Mans, and employee's Van Dyck Parks is not or has been being condensed to wonderful rugged splendid music also by us first leaving by 1st of 1st of Randi Newman, 1st of the Little foot, and this Rai, rediscovering the American music shown by the Za band etc. there, and existing. The request, and this ..money and position.. ..thing that not is.. surely : the one that is ..the only amusement that anyone can do in full course ..dryness of the mind.. enriching really including music and nostalgic... These three pieces are produced with a personnel who puts such hope and is common. The Little foot is The Grapes of Wrath respectively that traces next and this Rai Cudar by which the ambition and Randi Newman of Mr. going up in the desert in LA suburbs dream dream Hollywood to Hollywood and attaches. Especially, it is a strings introduction of Van Dyck's strong individuality that it is common to Randi and Rai's albums. I think of this like the rising in arms cooperation declaration of the Burbank sect though it is seen to be criticized in case of not being respectively in individuality, and some tragicomedies are remarkable and it exists exactly about the movie in Rai's album because it appears before one's eyes like one scene and it loves. There is what of only the outline of the seriousness reason or music goes out at Rai music and time and. It is pitiful, amusing, miserable the one meat ball, and already highest in first-half game that such Corabo goes out to all aspects. Rai yourself in B respect of the latter half went out silently and the end was the blues guitarist blind of his idol, was window shade wheelie Johnson's "The night privily it was", Rai ..〆.. Cudar, and it became a theme song. The rhythm section of the full participation is a party it, rich Mr., and is Estrada of a Little foot at that time, and being possible to become it is a favorite large party mustering monster advance of the eagle and in hatred that is the album it becomes even if it says and without the way.


sand> そうそう、ランディ・ニューマンの1st、リトル・フィートの1stには似たものを感じてましたが、狙ってたものだったのですか。なるほどね。この3枚は、ザラザラして聴きやすくはないけど、どれも好きです。 [09/05 02:53]
veneno> 好き(笑)。まぁ何やっても許してしまおうって気持ちにさせてくれる人です。Cubaにたどり着いた時には「もう5・6年早くても良かったのに」って本当は凄く嬉しかったです。でもタンゴの競演アルバムなんかじゃなくて自分名義のアルバム出してほしいって思いました。でも古いアルバムを聴いている事が多いからコッチにも責任が有るかも(爆)。 [09/05 01:11]
パンク少年> 「Bop〜」「Jazz」この2枚は好きです、というか他のを聴いたことないだけですが...こういうのもちゃんと聴いてたんだょ〜。小さなライヴハウスで聴けたらいいでしょうねぇ、ビールでもチビチビやりながら... [09/04 12:50]