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by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*After Japan the performance that burnt to burning, the album of the fifth Parker piece was put on the market after a live board that burnt to burning. The god of music gets off exactly in the age, the synchronized, and the person in question and it is lying. The producer is a person who it is Mr. Jack Nitzsche, it is an arranger of the Fil specter sound, and was the band member at Neil Young's heart Ob Gold. It is a person who makes the band sound of Gorigori when related to the rock album. It is ー ..this.. ..re-pleasure the pita dynamic band sound.. though seems to listen to the work of the mink devil that he handled and to have requested it. After it was not, the participation of the trumpet corps this time became a solid the every one of the roux moa of backing in the best condition, too. The enjoyment : to lyrics. The experience in Japan is reflected and, thereat, it goes out here. It is being greatly described by Mehar by the girl in Japan apparently. The girl in Japan said that she might terribly save the frustration did not look round though here was crazy like richness Blackmoor and all John Travolta, etc. ardently in the explanation of an analog board. So..Parker..tune..good..average..batting average..Elvis..Costello..win..think..head..bird..sing..rice cake..stick..type..clumsy.As a fan though the clumsiness doesn't collect frankly because of the lock. At any rate, this album and the tune are the highest. Entire famous piece of music already. Only the one remembered yearning very. The melody examined closely for the amount of lyrics to become simple than before, to bite, and to tighten pierces and it sticks. There are way Tin For and UFO 'S ..the charm... Do it become CD and is the extra live of BBC?Well, and it is live the tune of familiar Jackson 5, and is with Mercury Poigeng that put aside indefinitely by the content of the Mercury record excrement and the furnace, and is Japanese syllabary A by which the eagle also buys CD. Sales are one step now though it is a work of the whole body by not coming. Then, the situation is disadvantageous all at once. After this, the wandering is mortified for pressure and the hesitation at the recording label to go out even if putting away thinks now. The truth. Though it is a terrible person as music who differs the level.


sand> おお。我パパ、GP様に、これほどの絶賛は、はじめて読みました。嬉しい。この後、売れ線狙ってドンドン墓穴に落ちていきますが、インディーズに落ちて再度、爆発します。まったく泣けるほどバカボンパパ。これでいいのだけど。 [09/13 02:46]