前日のThAnk YoU Rocks  top   back




by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*Ah to tell the truth, Mr. band loving man Tod Rundgren is a utopia that became the member of the band and was established with live,, and to one's heart's content. The lineup hardened little by little and it became appearance completely Popproccbanded in the pop development and this work that whether had come these to sides after all per work though it left first as Progress section adult number project X. In Tod's solo activity, I from whom the body and the mind had been done to that dense pop board that became it in magnificence after the hermit of Minchorou took the excitement and intercalary in the studio work. Then,. It was done. In shape to take that to the band district refreshingly. At that time, he likes it, and it is Boston style outlook on the universe Satoru and a happy entertainment board the regulations also of the chorus without any mistake. ..queen.. styleThe people and the synchronized, so-called the sect in hard Progress, were able to enter by this finally and utopias sold most. Single "Set Me free" that Cashim Salton of the base sings is TOP40 entering very. The paddle do character in the possession memo me or more and the .... meeting with the highlighter. ..glad... Utopia Cayoshi is a favorite board that fights over 12. There is something that colors the age to the ally. A favorite part of him recently of ..Tod.. ..love.. ..listening.. by the way for a long time has been suddenly understood. First of all, if it is a food frog opinion and is backing of the frog sound and super-honey pop within five minutes, it is safe. It fits in the vital point when even originally does to snarfing compact person and there with the grasp sushi in lump of the talent. If this album is said with the sushi, I feel Ittei of the white meat. The mind refreshingly : no matter how it listens. Only the ninth keyboard is also good Rabarorn and this of backing. It recommends it as a utopia album only after the every one of Rizmusection's of the Gorigoried feeling is vivid, too. I think that it enters easily most. Moreover, it survives to the last minute.


anais> ラブ・アローンはライブでもきゃぁきゃぁ好評でしたね。カシムの声とビリー・ジョエルの声てB・ジョエルやP・マッカートニーの曲に似合いそう。このアルバムではセカンドネイチャーやキャラバンが好きでした。 [11/06 21:43]
マスター> 本日はゆ〜とぴあ。ゴムパッチン。血だ。猪木。ではありません。あらためて出来の良さにうっとり。 [11/06 09:40]
anais> 出ました〜大根ジャケ。(右)カエルですか...私も全米トップ40にチャートインしたときはびっくりしました。嬉しさあまって湯川れいこさんに「ベースのカシムが歌ってます」とお便りしたことがあります。 [11/06 08:56]