前日のThAnk YoU rocks  home back    




by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*The second Mr. and Mrs. McCartney newly-married couple farm series bounce. It is considerably born-again to the radical change first of all and the band mode from a Paul individual mode and Hey this miracle world board appearance on the ground unpopularly of the former work ..McCartney it... When feelings are replaced almost .... mysteriously thoroughly to the former work, it is mysterious because it becomes the sound of a true band. Is it Tod to succeed around here?It is happy and what might be hoped for because all melodies that want to remember by all means are already fully loaded, and it has relaxed any further. Become empty..nonchalant..enter..Paul..do..at all..blues..listen..good..foot..ah..ukulele..ah..ukulele..ram..on..finally..go out..waiter..all..please..single..Albert..uncle..suite..simple..gorgeous.Rock'n'roll. Smailouei and this chorus are start man Gartolz .. ー ..mammoth it... And favorite heart Ob Za country in which it has it. ..encounter.. Rokkeracun. Ditty good. This how to sing. . It is a Monk berry of the sleep getting. such sincere completely shout it as for what to be doneIt is glad becoming seriousness and there to be no way. Fool Roccn the 2nd and Et At home. Long hair lady of gorgeous carefree &. It is the last Bestoob tune. Ah ..ukulele.. be placedBackseat. Ah it was happy. Keenly feeling it whenever listening to this is necessary ..Mr./Ms. Linda.. in Paul. ..goodness.. of chorus of negotiationThe best maneuver that a person alone who doesn't have Mr./Ms. Linda following the voice and a musical talent of him the lump of the music talent can do is decided. The favor and another a day enters single and highest in CD and is the strongest. Because backseat is the last Bestoob tune however, it is ..the rest once here... Though it ..our CD.. ..Anazadei.. doesn't enter why. Yes, it is still an album of Mr. and Mrs. Paul who likes this ram. Is it listened to to this at that time and did not everyone truly do the dissolution consent?How what is it?


みみちん> 私もラムが一番好きなアルバムです。ポールさんの素が出ている気がします。 [11/01 21:31]
島田@青梅> おーー。RAMさん。僕が一番好きなポール君のアルバムなんです。アンクルアルバートさんも、バックシートさんも、3本足も大好きーーー!理由はとにかく、すごくいいアルバムだと思います。あ、そういえば、このジャケットを皮肉ったジョンさんの豚バージョンもありますが、あれってなんだっけか?笑 [11/01 21:01]
へヴィ> このRAMを聴くとファーストのリリース理由が本当に分からなくなります。(あれはあれで良いのですが)。またWingsのファーストも・・・ですね(爆)。それだけ中身が素晴らしい! ところでRam Onは”Lennon”と呼びかけているでよろしかったんでしたっけ? そうそう、このRAMのオーケストラ・インストのThrillingtonも良いですね。 [11/01 16:01]

