前日のThAnk YoU rocks   top   back




by Yama
SORRY,Mistranslation multi.

*Smash hit album of and ..sound harsh.. Billy in the United States of ..the 35th place.. ..chart.. between 74 every year not believed. It differs from a famous person by Gemi Hendrikx's band Ob Gepshez. The participation member is Yan Hammer, and a Tommy Borin and others. Piroparaporarin is sleep ..it is.. an album in the third year already of Jeff Beck "Wired". this ..the aspect.. to haveIt is Jeff in eight high-speed Sttocosttoco beats of Billy ..not saying... Tomi's sublime guitar of which it very thinks and gay, gay Shinse of the example by Yan are large combative sports rallies. Puff puff puff. This is : in drummer's solo album because it massaged it though beats with Dacastotondobedobedobe and rolls up the tendon, ー, and the condition of what ..noisy.. ..the reply because of a tendon pus that doesn't know ..so.. ..the refusal.. and a bigger sound... . Here it listens is hot and doing to here without reservation sweat ..boiling.. state of ー of the gem in the face and the neck muscle with substitute meal ticket already ..Ats.. grasped with Hac multi ramen Agetama ..it is... It is ..it is.. C loss over ..difference.. age in eyes because it is 73 years made fashionable. Will "Head Hantarz" of Herbie Hancock and Arashiban and you of 2.85 counts of the killer shot firing in rapid succession of heroes of hit from all over the U.S. note street jazz and colorful Coro of funk listen while saying Yar to a simultaneous period?However, to be Tommy good-looking.


マスター> わしですか。こんなもんブランク・ジェネレーションのリズム・ギターに比べたらちょろいちょろい...。ぶべごーひでぶー。       えーわたくしもただの中国雑技団のような音楽は駄目でございます。そこに意地とか魂とか欲望とか嫉妬とか悲哀とか満腹が無いと。 [08/11 15:16]
パンク少年> うわっと!出ました、クロスオーバーブームってのもありましたね。アルディメオラとか、ギターの超絶テクが皆さん凄かったです。このアルバムの面子も凄いぞ!ロックより凄いと、乗り移った人も多かったけど、僕はやはり唄が欲しくて、すぐあきちゃいました(笑)マスターさんも、これくらいなら弾けちゃうのでしょうか? [08/11 12:49]